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Tao Mantras for toning up the organs


Know-how of chanting the mantras

Say the mantra for all the organs involved in the disease/problem situation – emotional or life. For example, when you have a problem related to large intestine then chant the mantras for Lungs and Large Intestine, Heart and Small Intestine, and Kidneys and Urinary Bladder.

In general, chant the mantras for all the organs on a daily basis – to improve general well-being. It will improve your emotional, social and economic aspects of life as well.

How to pronounce the mantras?

The “Reiki and Five Elements” CD has the pronunciation of all the mantras:

Any limit to chanting the mantras and the appropriate time?

No restrictions.

Whatever rules applied to other general mantras can be applied for these mantras. Of course, we need to explore further as we have started exploring only recently.

Mantra-charged water

Give the mantra-charged water to patients.

Organs Tao Mantra Element
Lungs and Large Intestine Liyay chu, Piyaan lee Metal
Kidneys, Urinary Bladder Ka chong, Fai yang Water
Liver and Gall Bladder Lie gow, Kuang Ming Wood
Heart and Small Intestine Fong li, Chi-cheng Fire
Stomach and Spleen Tha pow, Fung long Earth

Lack of love received


My wrist pain of one year went off within a day.

When I complained of the pain to Naran, he asked me, “What were the feelings that came to me when the pain was there”. We found that it was lack of love being received from my husband. I felt him being unreasonable to me sometimes.

So I started affirming, “Even though I feel I am not receiving sufficient love, I am willing to give abundant love. I am born to love”. As I started chanting, this my pain reduced to almost 90% of what it was.

So I called Naran and asked him what to do to get fully relieved. He told me that pain in any part of the body signifies lack of love being received. So he asked me to give love to the wrist the following way:

  1. Place the left wrist on the left palm (visualize it)
  2. With the right palm send universal love and light to the wrist
  3. Let there be some distance between the two palms
  4. Also ask the hand to accept universal love and light
  5. Chant the switch words, “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE FIND DIVINE LOVE” while sending love to my wrist.

Within about 10 minutes of doing this, the pain just vanished off completely. Then there was soreness for a while. I didn’t find time to ask Balakumar again. So I just continued the same and it is fine for over a week now.

The best part is I have never attended any switch words classes and don’t even know what concede create and center mean!!!

Thank you Naran

Face the music and solve your issues amicably

Ms. N

My left side of the face is swollen from last one week. I am having slight pain in the left ear and neck too. I consulted an ENT Doctor, who has asked me to take anti-inflammatory pain-killer tablets. But still the pain and the swelling persist.

I do not know what is my body is trying to guide me.

Please advise me.


Find out whether you had any conflict with your brother or sister-in-law or your mother. End the conflict amicably.

Ms. N

You are absolutely right Naran. I do have conflict with my Brother and Sister-In-Law for many years.  I was seeking for an answer and just like that I started chanting below mantra’s last evening for 5-10 minutes, “OM LUM NAMAHA, OM VUM NAMAHA, OM RUM NAMAHA, OM YUM NAMAHA, OM HUM NAMAHA”.

From last night pain swelling has reduced. In fact, I did not take any medicines yesterday.


Left side means females. The conflict is predominantly with females.

“A pain in the neck” means annoying or troublesome. The face is swollen, indicating the congestion in the face. There is hostility, and the congestion indicates troubled relationships. The person thinks that she must confront. But the swollen face says that you would face terrible consequences, if confrontation is continued. Ears are energetically connected to kidneys, which represent parental side.  

There is pain in the neck. This confrontation is troublesome. Confrontation will never get you anything. It will continue to annoy you, if you don’t change your stand or outlook.

To avoid facing unpleasant consequences, let go the issue and don’t demand anything.  Even if you are justified in whatever you are doing, the body says, “Let Go Forget Forgive”