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Reasons for a bad Cholesterol

In a world of good cholesterol and bad one, LDL cholesterol is the bad boy of the two. LDL collects in the walls of blood vessels, “blocking” the blood flow.

LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol is found in the bloodstream, and eventually causes clogged arteries if it is not taken care of.

Excess cholesterol builds up as fatty deposits or “plaque” in your arteries. Plaque buildup reduces blood flow through your blood vessels making your heart work harder and increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Apart from lifestyle, heredity, what mental state increases LDL Cholesterol?

Some of the expressions which may increase LDL and decrease HDL:

  • Somebody is blocking my life
  • Parents have spoiled my progress
  • Someone’s evil eye is the cause of my problems
  • My mother-in-law, sister-in-law prevent my joy and happiness

“Block” is the key word

  • There is something wrong with me
  • I am not destined to progress
  • I am born to feel sad
  • There are always blocks…

 Compensatory Behavior

  • The person is irritated, impatient
  • Unable to find time to eat
  • Hurrying up for everything is their behavior

How to handle it?



Agrimony opens up the “covering” of cholesterol deposit.

Gentian and Crab apple will help remove the blocks in the mind and vessels.

While Willow brings in joy, helping one to forget and forgive which in turn improves blood circulation.

Impatiens will make one slow and careful.

Gem Remedies: Green Aventurine and Magnesite

Power Life Symbols

Love and Joy (66 and 67)

Switch words





Thanks, Forgiveness, Surrender to the Divine

EFT/Tapping statement

“I accept LDL level to ADD HDL blood levels.”

ADD is a switch word

Reiki Past-Life Healing

Release your memories and your parents’ memories of the above mentioned mental states.




Rhythmic circular breathing can help.

Remedy Packs from Centre

A combination of flower and gem remedies is available, to reduce LDL Cholesterol.

Herbal Products/Remedies/Alternative medicine like Homeopathy

Homeopathy: Cholesterinum and Fel tauri each 6x.

There is one CARDORIUM PLUS product available at Honey naturopathy hospital which can help.



For a Fistula problem, you had given the following Bach Flower remedies: BEECH, WILLOW, AGRIMONY and WALNUT. Of these remedies, which one should be taken in day time and which in the night before going to sleep? Also, could you help us by explaining why these remedies.


All our unexpressed emotions, judgment and blaming tendencies if not healed will find their place for some people in large intestine, which will turn out into Fistula.

Fistula should be handled in other ways also. One has to change the diet pattern. One should not have constipation.

Having fistula means one is sitting on a volcano. Add the Bach Flower Remedy CHERRY PLUM also.

Chant the affirmation, “QUIET MIND, OPEN HEART, RELAX!!!” will help fistula patients.

“Observe without judging, listen, let go unwanted and retain what is needed.” is the message of fistula.


Beech: being judgmental

Agrimony: will not express their feelings

Willow: blaming tendency

Walnut: to break the unforgiving, unwanted patterns

Cherry Plum: bursting with anger inside

Bend With Love


I am 67 yrs old.

My Blood has Cantankerous HLAB27. I am getting FROZEN Spine from Neck Downwards, unable to Bend, Twist on Bed.

Please tell me the divine switch word as the Disease is incurable entropy of body till Death.


Review your life.

1.       Find in which part of life or with whom you are unbending.

We have certain beliefs, by following of which, we might have hurt someone.

During our life we tend to find fault in others, whether family or friends or government. When we criticise or do back biting, we ignore the love, beauty and grace of the divine operating in this world.

In life, nothing that we acquire (our principle, our beliefs, our opinions, our knowledge) is important.

2.       Assess the life in terms of love.

How much love have you given?

Were you tolerant and respecting others?

Were you in a state of forgiveness?

Were you motherly?

Asses as even now it is not late.

3.       Revisit your past and Change every event of life as the life of love.

Visualise every event.

Ask for forgiveness.

Fill it up with love and gratitude.

Visualise every event. Say “I am sorry, please forgive me. Let me fill my heart with love and gratitude, to experience the divine within me”.

Every minute thank the divine for all the events in life.

4.       Repeat saying the following releasing statements:

  •  “I release my desire to control or change anything”.
  •  “I release my desire to be loved”.
  •  “I release my fear of life”

Do it as many times as possible.

5.       Write in a piece of paper “ADJUST CHANGE DIVINE ORDER” and keep it under the pillow.

  •  Adjust: switch word to adjust to the circumstances and painful situations
  •  Change Divine Order: switch words to achieve perfect health

Face the music and solve your issues amicably

Ms. N

My left side of the face is swollen from last one week. I am having slight pain in the left ear and neck too. I consulted an ENT Doctor, who has asked me to take anti-inflammatory pain-killer tablets. But still the pain and the swelling persist.

I do not know what is my body is trying to guide me.

Please advise me.


Find out whether you had any conflict with your brother or sister-in-law or your mother. End the conflict amicably.

Ms. N

You are absolutely right Naran. I do have conflict with my Brother and Sister-In-Law for many years.  I was seeking for an answer and just like that I started chanting below mantra’s last evening for 5-10 minutes, “OM LUM NAMAHA, OM VUM NAMAHA, OM RUM NAMAHA, OM YUM NAMAHA, OM HUM NAMAHA”.

From last night pain swelling has reduced. In fact, I did not take any medicines yesterday.


Left side means females. The conflict is predominantly with females.

“A pain in the neck” means annoying or troublesome. The face is swollen, indicating the congestion in the face. There is hostility, and the congestion indicates troubled relationships. The person thinks that she must confront. But the swollen face says that you would face terrible consequences, if confrontation is continued. Ears are energetically connected to kidneys, which represent parental side.  

There is pain in the neck. This confrontation is troublesome. Confrontation will never get you anything. It will continue to annoy you, if you don’t change your stand or outlook.

To avoid facing unpleasant consequences, let go the issue and don’t demand anything.  Even if you are justified in whatever you are doing, the body says, “Let Go Forget Forgive”

I Got a Back Pain Soon After My Marriage

A girl after she got married and moved to her husband’s house, very often she phoned up her mother asking for suggestions concerning how to handle her in-laws. In no way she could mingle with her in-laws.  In addition, she will complain about them to her parents. She compared her husband’s actions with her father’s and pointed out the differences between them.

She developed a lower back pain. Lower back means place of support. There is no pain while sitting or lying. There is pain only while walking. The body says “you are secured here. By your behaviour don’t spoil your place in your new family. Adjust yourself to fit in here. This is your place of security.”

Soon after her marriage, the girl developed a feeling of being forsaken as she was away from her parents.  She felt insecure and lonely without her father around. A sense of incapacity had set inside her. She was resisting changing and adjusting to the new environment and thus a new phase of her life.

One dose of Bach Flower Remedy Walnut and Chicory cured her pain. Within one month, she acclimatized to the new environment.

Change is the order of life. Accept it.

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