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Reasons for a bad Cholesterol

In a world of good cholesterol and bad one, LDL cholesterol is the bad boy of the two. LDL collects in the walls of blood vessels, “blocking” the blood flow.

LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol is found in the bloodstream, and eventually causes clogged arteries if it is not taken care of.

Excess cholesterol builds up as fatty deposits or “plaque” in your arteries. Plaque buildup reduces blood flow through your blood vessels making your heart work harder and increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Apart from lifestyle, heredity, what mental state increases LDL Cholesterol?

Some of the expressions which may increase LDL and decrease HDL:

  • Somebody is blocking my life
  • Parents have spoiled my progress
  • Someone’s evil eye is the cause of my problems
  • My mother-in-law, sister-in-law prevent my joy and happiness

“Block” is the key word

  • There is something wrong with me
  • I am not destined to progress
  • I am born to feel sad
  • There are always blocks…

 Compensatory Behavior

  • The person is irritated, impatient
  • Unable to find time to eat
  • Hurrying up for everything is their behavior

How to handle it?



Agrimony opens up the “covering” of cholesterol deposit.

Gentian and Crab apple will help remove the blocks in the mind and vessels.

While Willow brings in joy, helping one to forget and forgive which in turn improves blood circulation.

Impatiens will make one slow and careful.

Gem Remedies: Green Aventurine and Magnesite

Power Life Symbols

Love and Joy (66 and 67)

Switch words





Thanks, Forgiveness, Surrender to the Divine

EFT/Tapping statement

“I accept LDL level to ADD HDL blood levels.”

ADD is a switch word

Reiki Past-Life Healing

Release your memories and your parents’ memories of the above mentioned mental states.




Rhythmic circular breathing can help.

Remedy Packs from Centre

A combination of flower and gem remedies is available, to reduce LDL Cholesterol.

Herbal Products/Remedies/Alternative medicine like Homeopathy

Homeopathy: Cholesterinum and Fel tauri each 6x.

There is one CARDORIUM PLUS product available at Honey naturopathy hospital which can help.

Pain in the Elbows


My husband got left elbow pain and again. He got hit at the left elbow again for 2 times.

What does it indicate?

Naran S Balakumar

He is unable to devote time to the loved ones, especially his wife.

Please take care of me – a Case History

Venki, a thirteen years old kid, whenever he takes a pen to write something, he will get pain in his right arm – his writing hand.

If there is pain in the right hand – “take care of me” is the message. With the pain in his right hand, he is telling his parents to take care of him.

What’s the problem here?  He is terribly angry with his parents.

However, while he was talking with Naran, he was holding his left elbow.

Elbows are used to embrace others. Right hand holding the left elbow –i.e. his (giving) right hand supporting his left (receiving) elbow indicates that he wants appreciation and love.

Venki was studying in 8th standard. Not even once, any of his parents attended his school. He was first in athletics and a class topper in Tamil, his mother tongue.  No appreciation from his parents regarding this.

He was average in other subjects. His parents told him that if he gets 1st in any other subjects – like Math and science, then they would come to his school.

His body is saying “Hey! Parents take care of me!  I need to be loved”.

He was prescribed the Bach Flower Remedies CHICORY (longing for love) and WILLOW (for his anger against parents).

His parents were advised to give the emotional security that the child needs.

Can women find solutions to the problems they face?


Can we women find a complete solution to recurring gyneac problems e.g. UTI, yeast infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, urinary incontinence, uterus prolapse or weak pelvic muscles.

Like one mantra to solve all these problems!!

I would appreciate your guidance as I am sure this would be a common problem for most women.


Your question though puzzling, is quite interesting. All these gyneac and their symptoms have only one common thread: “Unable to accept the gender or sexuality in which one is born”.

It is there in most of the women.

These gyneac problems suggest that the fairer sex is not accepting or constantly resisting her role as a female.

Message from the body

For women’s urinary tract infections: one is too much attached with her parents – unable to detach and relate well with the in-laws. It could be either homesickness or comparing the in-laws with their parents.

Uterus prolapse: total denial and resistance to the menstruation cycles.

Pelvic inflammation: rigidity in the relationship with the husband.

Weak pelvic muscles: inability to accept and love oneself; total denial of what is happening; or feeling powerless.

Urinary incontinence: the mind constantly worries and wants to go back to the child state. Wanting to be taken care off.

Mudra for healing

The following Hara Mudra can help all the women in general:

Right hand thumb touching ring and little fingers. Left hand touching middle finger and ring finger

Be in this Mudra and chant, “I OPEN up myself to the LOVE, BEAUTY and GRACE of the DIVINE”.


(Divine) Will from Her Father

Conflict among the siblings over their parent’s property

There was a conflict among some siblings over their parental property. One of the sisters is very poor and she developed a knee problem. Here, the message from her body is that she should not be possessive and had to give up. Interestingly, while the sister who was very badly in need of money had the knee problem, none of her siblings have got any knee problems.

As per the will, she is getting lesser share than others. Others were getting some cash too, while she was not getting any.

She totally believed me and whatever I tell her, she was ready to follow.

I told her to accept whatever was given to her. I asked her to chant, ‘I am ready to submit myself to the Divine Will’. When she started to chant, the pain went off.

Now came the interesting climax

The area allotted for all of them was to be either in ground floor or third floor. They decided to go for the draw and in that she was allotted the third floor area.

Again, she approached me. She wept over her situation and I gave her the Bach Flower Rescue Remedy (to calm her down).

In the flat opposite to hers, which was for sale, was bought by a family. There was a boy in that family who was in marriageable age. The whole family liked this lady as well as her daughter very much. The family wanted the daughter to get married to their son. In addition, there was no demand (dowry) from the boy’s side. They also took care of the marriage expenses. Thus, there were no expenses whatsoever for the girl’s side.

The couple now very happily settled.

Body puts us in the path created for us by divinity

So we do not know what is there in store for us by the Divine. By god’s grace she accepted whatever I told her and accepted the property given to her.

The body is nothing but the Divine. We have to accept the message it is giving and act accordingly. At each and every step it guides us.

However, we fail to understand the message. We do not how to infer the messages from the body and we never take care of the body either.

No Support for the Widowed Father

Sometimes it can happen in the family that one can’t be in the position to support a person due to family circumstances.

A person aged 48 approached me for his lower back pain. The pain is more on the right side. After finding that there is no financial insecurity, no loan to repay and no job insecurity, I asked him a simple question whether he is not giving the required support to any elders in the family? It may be due to the circumstances. If you say “yes”, then keep in mind that the body wants you to give the needed care and protection to that person.  If you take steps for that, your body will relieve you from the pain. To find the veracity of this, you can chant, “I willingly lend support to so and so”. If the pain starts reducing, then this is the mental cause, and you have to follow what you said. The message of the body is “do not create instability in others”.

Then he came out with the story. His father (widower) was taken care of by him and his three brothers, taking turns every three months. One son went on a business tour for a month and wants his brothers to take care of his father during that time.  My patient was willing, but he could not take care of his father, because his spouse vehemently opposed it.  Therefore, he said no to it, due to his lack of assertiveness and out of fear to go against his wife’s words. From the next day onwards, he developed back pain.

You may ask why his wife did not get back pain. That is not the matter here. If you get the pain, there is a message for you. Find the message and rectify your life.