Blog Archives

Glowing Skin


My skin is very dry. What can I chant for glowing skin?


Vitamin A is less.  Tone up the liver, which will produce extra Vitamin A. Then your skin tone will improve.

Chant “OM HROOM NAMAHA” 100 times over a glass of water and drink that water to tone up your liver.

In addition, circulation inside your body has to be improved by being in the PRAN MUDRA and chanting the mantra, “HRAAM NAMAHA”.  The mantra tones up the heart.

The skin is dry as the water element is less.

Also, the skin has 7 layers and each of them has cells that have to be strengthened (by earth element).

The Pran Mudra activates both the water (ring finger) and earth (little finger) elements. 

What is Mind-Body-Life-Demystified healing?


Origin of the technique or the source of the healing techniques

This is based on Chinese five element theory. I have integrated with Switch Words, Affirmations, Bach Flower Remedies and life-style-changes to enhance the healing effect.

Are the five elements mentioned are the same as the five elements practiced in India and other countries?

They are similar and there are differences. This forum is not a place to discuss them.

The five elements discussed are: Space, Air (Metal), Wood, Water and Earth. These elements are connected with our body, mind and emotions.

The emphasis of the practice would be 5+5 Major organs and the impact of elements on them.

There will be disease – organ connection, which everybody is familiar with. For example, Asthma and Constipation are connected with Lungs and Large Intestine, which in turn is connected with the element with Metal or Air element.However, not many of us know that one organ can affect other organ, for example, Kidneys can affect lungs.

Likewise, emotional states – positive and negative are connected with different elements.

Our Ancients have done it, now we are going to do it

Our Ancients know this technique. The traditional Chinese medicine knows this technique and has perfected it to a greater extent.

Now, I am bringing it to you so that you will be benefited from it.

Why we need to align with nature?

You will get the energy to your body, so that your body knows how to heal itself, without us intervening in the form of taking medicines.

Techniques followed

To enhance the healing of the Tao Mantras, Switch Words are given along with Mudras and Affirmations.

Life-style changes and new behaviors are suggested, so that they will impact the organs indirectly. For example, Diabetic patients are asked to do Anna-Dhanam (food charity).

Color healing to heal the organs, cells and various systems of the body is followed.

Blogs in the near-future

To explain this in detail, we will publish posts to explain the concepts and techniques in detail.

For now, some blogs to explain the concept has been picked from the class held on Sep 7th, 2013 in Chennai:


Reasons for a bad Cholesterol

In a world of good cholesterol and bad one, LDL cholesterol is the bad boy of the two. LDL collects in the walls of blood vessels, “blocking” the blood flow.

LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol is found in the bloodstream, and eventually causes clogged arteries if it is not taken care of.

Excess cholesterol builds up as fatty deposits or “plaque” in your arteries. Plaque buildup reduces blood flow through your blood vessels making your heart work harder and increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Apart from lifestyle, heredity, what mental state increases LDL Cholesterol?

Some of the expressions which may increase LDL and decrease HDL:

  • Somebody is blocking my life
  • Parents have spoiled my progress
  • Someone’s evil eye is the cause of my problems
  • My mother-in-law, sister-in-law prevent my joy and happiness

“Block” is the key word

  • There is something wrong with me
  • I am not destined to progress
  • I am born to feel sad
  • There are always blocks…

 Compensatory Behavior

  • The person is irritated, impatient
  • Unable to find time to eat
  • Hurrying up for everything is their behavior

How to handle it?



Agrimony opens up the “covering” of cholesterol deposit.

Gentian and Crab apple will help remove the blocks in the mind and vessels.

While Willow brings in joy, helping one to forget and forgive which in turn improves blood circulation.

Impatiens will make one slow and careful.

Gem Remedies: Green Aventurine and Magnesite

Power Life Symbols

Love and Joy (66 and 67)

Switch words





Thanks, Forgiveness, Surrender to the Divine

EFT/Tapping statement

“I accept LDL level to ADD HDL blood levels.”

ADD is a switch word

Reiki Past-Life Healing

Release your memories and your parents’ memories of the above mentioned mental states.




Rhythmic circular breathing can help.

Remedy Packs from Centre

A combination of flower and gem remedies is available, to reduce LDL Cholesterol.

Herbal Products/Remedies/Alternative medicine like Homeopathy

Homeopathy: Cholesterinum and Fel tauri each 6x.

There is one CARDORIUM PLUS product available at Honey naturopathy hospital which can help.

Find Love and Trust

Ms. RV

What significance is a person falls down and fractures one of the bones in the foot, on the sole?

Is there any mind-body relationship there? What are the Bach flower remedies or switch words to remedy this situation?


You are flouting your own rule or principle.

What is a MENTAL FALL?

“Don’t deviate from love even if the other person is totally 100% unjustified or wrong in his action.” This is the message of the body.

Ms. RV

Thank you Naran for the message revealed.

Can any switch words be used or flower remedies for this condition as it is for my friend.


Ask her to chant “I trust myself and all totally”.

Exercises from “I Love Myself” workbook to develop trust in oneself and life


Think about your unnecessary fears and worries (over which you cannot do anything) and release them one after another.

Fear about others, self and health – when there is fear, it will not allow love to be there. To remove your fears chant, “I AM SORRY. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. FIND DIVINE FIBER”

The switch word FIBER creates movement, as fear constricts a movement.

‘Hand’ful of messages from our body

Right shoulder pain

All long he was lazy. He has to fulfill the duties in full. He will avoid interviews if there is any problem attending the interview. He will give an excuse, “I have to attend my friend’s marriage”. Which is priority number one in your life? It is responsibility. So you need to be responsible is the message from this pain.

Left hand fingers, especially middle

Stop criticizing, condemning, blaming others; have Intolerance. For some, they will get pain in the right hand fingers.

Left hand

Body is giving and receiving through hands. When you get pain in them, don’t think in terms of right or wrong. Think it as a message from your body.

If you are angry, when you need love, nobody will love you. Left hand side pain indicates you will not receive love.

Right hand

Right hand side pain indicates:

  • That what you have is more and therefore, give more.
  • If you have pain on top of the hand, then take the Bach Flower remedy CENTAURY.
  • Give now is the message from right hand. Otherwise, when you are ready to give to a person, then they may not be available to receive it from you.
  • Have an attitude of gratitude as it is missing from you.
  • Understand and grasp the subject on hand. The person who works more knows less. They will have pain in the right hand.

Right ankle

You have taken a decision. Now, reverse the decision is the message from the body.

Lack of love received


My wrist pain of one year went off within a day.

When I complained of the pain to Naran, he asked me, “What were the feelings that came to me when the pain was there”. We found that it was lack of love being received from my husband. I felt him being unreasonable to me sometimes.

So I started affirming, “Even though I feel I am not receiving sufficient love, I am willing to give abundant love. I am born to love”. As I started chanting, this my pain reduced to almost 90% of what it was.

So I called Naran and asked him what to do to get fully relieved. He told me that pain in any part of the body signifies lack of love being received. So he asked me to give love to the wrist the following way:

  1. Place the left wrist on the left palm (visualize it)
  2. With the right palm send universal love and light to the wrist
  3. Let there be some distance between the two palms
  4. Also ask the hand to accept universal love and light
  5. Chant the switch words, “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE FIND DIVINE LOVE” while sending love to my wrist.

Within about 10 minutes of doing this, the pain just vanished off completely. Then there was soreness for a while. I didn’t find time to ask Balakumar again. So I just continued the same and it is fine for over a week now.

The best part is I have never attended any switch words classes and don’t even know what concede create and center mean!!!

Thank you Naran

Face the music and solve your issues amicably

Ms. N

My left side of the face is swollen from last one week. I am having slight pain in the left ear and neck too. I consulted an ENT Doctor, who has asked me to take anti-inflammatory pain-killer tablets. But still the pain and the swelling persist.

I do not know what is my body is trying to guide me.

Please advise me.


Find out whether you had any conflict with your brother or sister-in-law or your mother. End the conflict amicably.

Ms. N

You are absolutely right Naran. I do have conflict with my Brother and Sister-In-Law for many years.  I was seeking for an answer and just like that I started chanting below mantra’s last evening for 5-10 minutes, “OM LUM NAMAHA, OM VUM NAMAHA, OM RUM NAMAHA, OM YUM NAMAHA, OM HUM NAMAHA”.

From last night pain swelling has reduced. In fact, I did not take any medicines yesterday.


Left side means females. The conflict is predominantly with females.

“A pain in the neck” means annoying or troublesome. The face is swollen, indicating the congestion in the face. There is hostility, and the congestion indicates troubled relationships. The person thinks that she must confront. But the swollen face says that you would face terrible consequences, if confrontation is continued. Ears are energetically connected to kidneys, which represent parental side.  

There is pain in the neck. This confrontation is troublesome. Confrontation will never get you anything. It will continue to annoy you, if you don’t change your stand or outlook.

To avoid facing unpleasant consequences, let go the issue and don’t demand anything.  Even if you are justified in whatever you are doing, the body says, “Let Go Forget Forgive”

A Dancer in Doldrums

At the age of 14 years, a teenage girl got interested in dancing. She spent all her time dancing. She did well and got a lot of appreciation. While performing in an important program she broke her right ankle.

Her mother asked me the reason behind it. I told her that her child has taken a wrong step and she has to turn her back to dancing. The body’s message to the teenage girl was that she has taken a wrong step and advices her to reverse her decision to continue dancing as a professional.

Pain in the right ankle or getting hurt at the right ankle means that the body warns you that the step you have taken is wrong and you have to reverse it.

No Support for the Widowed Father

Sometimes it can happen in the family that one can’t be in the position to support a person due to family circumstances.

A person aged 48 approached me for his lower back pain. The pain is more on the right side. After finding that there is no financial insecurity, no loan to repay and no job insecurity, I asked him a simple question whether he is not giving the required support to any elders in the family? It may be due to the circumstances. If you say “yes”, then keep in mind that the body wants you to give the needed care and protection to that person.  If you take steps for that, your body will relieve you from the pain. To find the veracity of this, you can chant, “I willingly lend support to so and so”. If the pain starts reducing, then this is the mental cause, and you have to follow what you said. The message of the body is “do not create instability in others”.

Then he came out with the story. His father (widower) was taken care of by him and his three brothers, taking turns every three months. One son went on a business tour for a month and wants his brothers to take care of his father during that time.  My patient was willing, but he could not take care of his father, because his spouse vehemently opposed it.  Therefore, he said no to it, due to his lack of assertiveness and out of fear to go against his wife’s words. From the next day onwards, he developed back pain.

You may ask why his wife did not get back pain. That is not the matter here. If you get the pain, there is a message for you. Find the message and rectify your life.

I follow my father’s footsteps

Knee is the guiding self – it’s the parents’ self. Only parents’ related issue will come in the knees. I might be repeating what my father had done or I might be lacking a resource that my father had. Your body reminds that to you through a pain in the knee.

Case History 1: Just 1% mismatch between Son and Father

Right knee refers to one’s relationship with father, while the left knee points to mother. 

A person had problem with his right knee. I asked him whether he had any issues with his father. He replied that “by all means everything is ok with my father. He is a role model for me. I follow him by the book.”

I asked him to tell me where he doesn’t follow his father. You might have followed him 99%. But one percent you may not have followed him. Find that out and follow that practice. Your father wants you to follow that too.

He replied there is one difference between them. While his father was close to his mother, he is not close to his wife.  I told him to take care of his wife and love her as his father did to his mother. Whatever be the circumstances, daily affirm within, “I totally accept and love my wife as she is” and implement it in practice. This is your father’s message through the right knee pain.

Please note here that not all sons who had thrown out his parents may get a pain in the right knee, while somebody might get it. It depends on their karma. Only when the pain comes, the issue should be addressed.

Case History 2: Postponement of Marriage

Girija’s father is no more. For one year I couldn’t figure out a solution. She took some remedies. She did an operation too. But nothing relieved her pain.

She loves a person and the latter loves her so much, that he wanted to marry her. But, she was postponing it. I asked her when her father did marry. He got married when he was 38 years old. But he died at the age of 40.

What’s the message here: get married earlier. You are already 31. You don’t want to end up like your father. Otherwise you may loose your husband or he might die earlier. Don’t repeat your father’s life.

Body guides us so beautifully!