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Don’t tell lies


Knee bucking means there is an issue with the parents.

Right knee is called “Satyam”. If one tells lies, there could be knee buckling. Even sometimes we would have told a lie to escape from a situation we don’t like. It may not be so severe but still the body says it is wrong through knee buckling.

If there is a buckling in the right knee then it means that the person is lying.

If there is any problem or buckling in the left knee, it means that the person is doing something unfair. Some Adharamam is happening there. Left knee is called “Adharma”.

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Anger at the world


My right leg is paining from past 2 months. There’s some kind of uneasy feeling in my leg.

Also, my left heel is paining from past 3 days. What does all this indicate?


Check for spur in the heel. If not check whether there is tendonitis?

It shows your movement is restricted, you lack gratitude and have anger at the world.

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Heal your kidneys

For cough…!!!

Bhuvana Srinivasan

I have been your student, follower and a great admirer of your healing powers. I had severe cough for months together.

You asked me to take (Bach Flower Remedy) WHITE CHESTNUT and (Gem Remedy) YELLOW SAPPHIRE.

You also told me a new technique. Heal kidneys by giving it Reiki. It worked. I blindly followed and I am feeling good.


How Kidneys are connected with dry cough? By healing kidneys, one’s immunity is increased and cough is reduced.

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Cannot support my parents


Yesterday, as my son climbed on a chair, he tripped and the chair fell on my right foot. He escaped unhurt and my right foot is paining now especially near the fourth toe. Also, I develop severe itching on the sides of both my thighs only during night.


“Release your fear about the child” is the message from your body. If you have any guilt about anything, release that too.


I have guilt about many things in life – especially about the fact that I cannot support my parents financially since I don’t work. I always dreamed about looking after them since childhood. They live in a rented house and I feel guilty about that too.

I have made many mistakes in the past that I feel guilty about. If I had not done those mistakes and saved money while I was working, I could have looked after my parents now.

How do I release my guilt and fear?


Take the flower Remedy PINE.

In addition, to find out how to release your guilt and fear, please check out the blogs in: